Parking Garage Restoration

DMC’s Got you Covered


DMC Group Restoration specializes in repairing structural concrete and waterproofing within any kind of commercial parking garage, including high-rise condo and apartment buildings, public parking lots, hospitals, museums, stadiums, and convention centers.

Underground parking garages face many unique problems such as concrete delamination from salt, chemicals, general wear and tear, and damaged columns and soffits.

Due to the nature of parking garages, they require specific restoration services such as concrete crack repairs, vehicular traffic coating repair and application, and painting. The most common issue underground parking garages encounter is waterproofing, whether in a localized section or full exterior.


DMC Group Restoration can help fix the issue permanently. The first step is to get an estimate. Fill out the form below, and we will get right back to you. If you do not want to fill out a form, you can click here to send us an email instead.

Our team has repaired and restored Parking Garages across Toronto and throughout Ontario. No matter the age and function of the Parking Garage, we have the experience, skill and techniques needed to restore it to its natural beauty and preserve its integrity for the future.

Quality. Reliability. Teamwork.

The DMC Group Difference

With an entire staff and a variety of skills, the team at DMC Group Restoration can handle any parking garage restoration project. Whether it’s full exterior waterproofing or repairs to the concrete column, we are one of Toronto’s leading underground garage parking contractors.

Our team specializes in complete concrete repairs and restoration within a parking garage structure, including removing and replacing damaged soffits, repairing top-side slab cracks, and using crystalline or urethane concrete systems to address water penetration issues. We have also used these systems in some instances to address the issue. See our case studies for more details.

In addition to exterior repairs, the team at DMC Group Restoration can also handle parking garage coatings, such as urethane or mastic asphalt. These are both made to provide a waterproof surface and are ideal for traffic.

Our Expertise

Our skilled craftsmen, project managers, and laborers have extensive experience restoring parking garages. No matter the complexity of the project, our commitment to excellence and professionalism is carried out from start to finish.

  • Painting
  • Line Painting
  • Underground Parking Column Repairs
  • Underground Parking Garage Concrete Repairs
  • Garage Cleaning
  • Floor Heating Systems
  • Polyurethane Injection
  • Vehicular Urethane Floor Coatings
  • Parking Bollards, Posts, Barriers and Bumpers
  • Parking Garage Sealant and Caulking


DMC Group Restoration can help fix the issue permanently. The first step is to get an estimate. Fill out the form below, and we will get right back to you. If you do not want to fill out a form, you can click here to send us an email instead.